Prayer request

We want to be know as a church that prays! So take some time today and pray for the prayer request below. If you would like to submit a prayer request scroll down further to do so. 


Prayers for my husband John. John had surgery on Good Friday. Next day everything was great . Saturday he pulled muscle trying to cough.His bowels are not working which is adding to the pain. Then Drs are putting him on iv antibotics hoping wounds don’t get infection.


Matt Blosser was in a victim of a hit and run accident Saturday and has some serious injuries.


I feel like I am going through the torchers of Job.


My daughter Olivia is away at college and has had some issues with passing out and has been in the emergency room a couple of times. Please pray for her. We are thankful for great friends and roommates that take care of her until we can get there.


Please pray for our friends Ted and Macey Wonderly as their 18 month daughter, Raegan, has been diagnosed with leukemia. They are surrounded by family but can also use prayers.

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